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With the goal of reducing vehicle crashes, PennPRIME is implementing the following initiatives to help you navigate your drive to this important destination.

  • The 2017 Measure of Compliance for the Loss Control Standards (LCS) is to have all employees participate in education directed at Safer Driving. Cheryl Lees, Manager of Loss Control Services, will be happy to assist your Safety/Risk Management Contact for PennPRIME in developing a plan tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • The Loss Control Funding Program will focus on Safer Driving initiatives and can assist Members in financing the cost of back-up cameras, outside training, and more.
  • To access 2017 Measure of Compliance information, click here.

Full compliance with the Standards, along with reduced losses, will position you for the best insurance rates.

More importantly, it will protect your most valuable assets... your employees and your community!


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