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Training is key to preventing accidents and injuries to your employees and residents and in reducing potential exposures to your community's physical assets. PennPRIME offers many different training options to meet the varying needs of all of our Members.

Employment Law Training

Developed by the attorneys of PELRAS (Public Employers Labor Relations Advisory Service), these employment law topics are available online to PennPRIME members at no cost.


Training Presentations

Developed by PennPRIME staff and service providers who know your operations, we have designed training presentations that can be downloaded to increase your knowledge of important topics.

  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Impyracle - Inservco Claims Management System
  • Heart and Lung (Public Law 477)
  • Red Flags in Workers' Compensation Claims

Safety Committee Training

We bring the training to you, when and where you want it. PennPRIME Workers' Compensation Members can avail themselves of Safety Committee Certification and Recertification training. Other topics can be financed through our Loss Control Funding Program.


Worker Safety Training Library

Our extensive DVD Lending Library allows you to train your employees on your own and in your own time.