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News from Angela Tennis, PennPRIME Director of Insurance Services

The PennPRIME staff is already working hard on the 2019-2020 renewals. We are in the process of providing our members, and their brokers if applicable, with their new Experience Modifier and 2019 renewal applications. Just a couple of more tweaks and they will be ready for members to complete.

At our September Board meeting, we will get final approval on our rates for the PennPRIME Workers’ Compensation Trust and tentative approval for our PennPRIME Liability (and property) Trust.

The staff is gearing up to provide as much information to our members that is needed and as early in your budget process as possible.

As the Director of Insurance Services, my philosophy is based on “outstanding customer service.” If you have any comments on how we can improve, I would love to hear from you at atennis@pml.org or call me at 1.800.848.2040 ext. *258.


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