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News from Angela Tennis, PennPRIME Director of Insurance Services

The 2019 renewal is in full swing! For the PennPRIME Workers’ Compensation Trust, all Experience Mods and renewal applications have been sent to your broker, or your entity if you don’t use a broker. For the PennPRIME Trust (property & casualty), schedules and the renewal applications have also been sent.  We are committed to providing a quick turnaround on your quote(s) once completed applications have been received.

As a Member of PennPRIME, we are pleased to announce a significantly larger discount for membership in the Pennsylvania Municipal League (PML).  PennPRIME members who are also members of PML will receive a 20% (previously 10%) discount off of their PML membership dues for each trust they participate.  This includes participation in the U•COMP Unemployment Compensation Trust.  Discounts will be listed in the 2019 PML Membership dues invoice that will be going out shortly to member municipalities.

If your municipality is a member of the PennPRIME Trust but not currently a member of PML, please contact Harry Krot, the Director of Marketing and Member Services at the League for more information on PML programs, services and membership rates at hkrot@pml.org.  PML has many signature programs that would provide great benefit to your community.

One of PML’s signature programs that is now provided as a value-add, no cost benefit of membership in the League is membership in the Public Employer Labor Relations Advisory Service or PELRAS.  The addition of the PELRAS membership is valued to be between $450 and $1,350, depending upon the number of employees your municipality employs.


  • PELRAS – Public Employer Labor Relations Advisory Service
    Today’s local government officials face increasingly complex issues in managing their workforce. PELRAS was created to address these issues, providing its membership with extensive training, access to specialized legal counsel, and frequent updates on current topics and developments in the employee relations process and municipal law. Our goal is to share workable solutions on how to avoid lawsuits, mitigate labor/management tensions, and improve service delivery, ensuring that municipalities of any size effectively and proactively manage their employees. To guide these efforts, PELRAS has partnered with the law firm of Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo & Miller, P.C. (CDBP&M).  CDBP&M offers the expertise of a nationally recognized firm with firsthand knowledge of municipal challenges and needs.


  • Other PELRAS Member Benefits:
    Comprehensive Training
    Continuing Education Credits
    Wage and Benefits Survey
    Quick Call Consultation Service
    Legal Representation and Counseling at Reduced Rates
    The PELRAS Update


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